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Let’s join together to positively change the future of Children ! 


We are confident that it is through education, particularly formal education of children, that we can assure children of achieving a sustainable life in future and make this world a better place. With access to quality education, children find meaning to life, pursue their dreams, transform their community, and leave life in its fullness. We work with communities, schools, colleges, and universities to address the barriers to a quality education for all children.

Even though some children have access to go to school, due to poverty, many of them lack basic educational supplies including food. Life Beacon aims to support these children by providing them with the basic essentials they need to pursue their education. With a joint driving force with you behind their development, we will shape their future and continue to make a difference in their lives.

Life beacon model for generating a sustainable life through sponsorship

Underprivileged Children with little welfare and lack of education

Children sponsored in education and welfare

Children growing into adults with sustainable lifestyles 

Responsible adults facilitating sustainable communities and impacting
more lives


For our young people in sixth form, colleges and university, we act as a resource by providing knowledge and guidance needed to easily identify their strength, true interest and give them an overview of University education through a more relaxed and fun activities.


The knowledge acquired through these activities helps them ask relevant questions during opening days in their preferred universities, choose the courses and modules that best suit their nature and excel with their pre-selection interviews by the university. We help them have a good understanding of what they should expect in university e.g., independent studies, attending and listening to lectures, group work etc. Subsequently, this help them enjoy university education and proceed to take up career opportunities that best fit their nature with limited anxiety and reduced mental health challenges.


This project by Life Beacon is extremely important because currently, most young people go to university and get surprised with the course or the mode of being thought and studying. The unexpected sometimes causes frustration which leads to drop out in the early part of semester 1, failure, depression, anxiety, mental health challenges etc. Therefore, getting them prepared definitely reduces these risks. Our motivation is to help reduce the increased mental health challenges among young people and to support the global goals for sustainable development.

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