Our mentoring program is successful because it is based upon trust and confidentiality
Christ Ambassadors School

We empower young people to achieve their dreams and to transform their communities through mentoring. We use mentoring as an approach to help young people to develop their skills, capacities, and capabilities to enable them to participate in society as independent, mature and responsible individuals.
Our mentoring program is successful because is based upon trust and confidentiality.

The different types of mentoring
Mentors may enter a long-term mentoring relationship or may be called upon to act as a one-step mentoring advice point for a specific topic. In all roles, the mentor will act as an independent source of educational, career, relationship, faith advice and support. Training is available for both mentors and mentees prior to entering into the mentoring relationship.
Long-term formal mentoring
Long term formal mentoring involves a number of meetings with the same mentor over a period of time. As either mentor and mentee you will be participating in a formal Life Beacon mentoring programme and you will both have agreed to a level of commitment to the programme. This gives you both the chance to get to know each other, and therefore the mentor can tailor how they share their experience and give encouragement.
One-stop mentoring advice
If you have a specific need you can select a mentor with experience in that specialist area to meet with once (or more if you wish!)
Informal mentoring
There are currently many informal mentoring relationships within Life Beacon. An important advantage of having undertaken mentoring training, even for informal mentoring relationships, is that there will be a shared understanding of the mentoring process for both mentor and mentee.